About me
Computer Science and Engineering stundent, studying at LTH in Lund, Sweden. My primary intresest are embedded systems, computer architecture and compilers.
- Primary programing languges: C/C++, Go, Python, Java
- Multi-core programing, in particular pthreads
- Web development using React and MySQL
- Agile software development
- Fundamental RTL/VLSI design
- Master thesis student at Sony Nordic, ongoing
- Teaching Assitant at LTH 2022 - 2023:
- EDAN26 - Multicore Programing
- EDAG01 - Efficient C
- EDAN75 - Optimising compilers
- Summer worker at Axis Firmware platfrom 2022
- Summer worker at Volvo Cars 2021. Worked with Android automotive as a part of the car infotainment system.
Major projects
- Built the ticket system for Lundakarnevalen 2022 from skratch. Projet included both building backend and frontend, using techologies such as go, js/react, mysql and aws. Lundakarnevalen is a three day festival arranged students in Lund with about 400 000 visitors.
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